“The Third Paradise”, a global project created by Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte, is represented by a new infinity symbol, which aims at replacing the traditional one. The infinity line intersects twice, and therefore makes three circles. The two circles by the sides represent respectively the Earthly Paradise, ruled by the Nature’s intelligence, and the Artificial Paradise, developed by the human intelligence which in time has led to a dimension ruled by artificial needs and pleasures. In the artist’s mind, the Third Paradise is the core of this triad, and it conveys the notion of responsible social transformation, a key ideal that joins in one pledge art, science, economics, spirituality, and politics.This concept of the Third Paradise finds one of its expressions in this new illy Art Collection: the cup handles represent the Earthly Paradise and the Artificial Paradise, while the cup filled with coffee is the representation of the harmony generated by the Third Paradise.